Open Arms Drop-In & Development Centre (OADC) is a day centre in Kingston, Jamaica for homeless adults, which serves to eliminate homelessness and aid the mentally ill by providing them an environment in which to learn the skills necessary to maximize their full potential in society.
In addition to the development centre, Open Arms operates a night shelter. Services offered by OADC include cooked meals, personal hygiene care, mental health care, job preparation exercises, clothing & toiletries, needs assessments, form completion assistance, psychosocial rehabilitation skills training, community re-integration skills training, basic literacy & innumeracy training, and spiritual support.
Since the opening ceremony on November 8th, 2006 Open Arms has seen its number of admitted residents increase exponentially. Currently, Open Arms is preparing to refurbish their hurricane-damaged buildings, rebuild their learning centre and provide transitional housing accommodations for current and future clients.